Our class on a warm fall day!

Tuesday, May 15, 2012

We Have Mealworms!

We will be learning about the life cycle of a beetle!  We missed the first stage, the egg.  We are now observing the mealworm, the second stage.  Here are students observing their very own mealworms.

Natalie & Allie

 Chloe & Harrison




 Kaleb & Tammy

 Nick & Ahlon

Tyler & Andersen

Wednesday's with Bernie!

 Nick, Tyler, Harrison, Jack, Allie, and Kaleb reading with Bernie.

 Natalie, Hannah, Jack, Hunter, and Addison reading with Bernie on crazy hair day! :)

 Allie, Harrison, Tyler, Anya, Chloe, and Andersen reading with Bernie.

 Tammy, Nick, Kaleb, and Bryce reading with Bernie.

Hannah, Tyler, Jack, Addison, Anya, and Hunter reading with Bernie.

Thursday, March 1, 2012

Wednesday's with Bernie

Anya, Tammy, Hannah, Chloe, and Andersen were the lucky 5 girls to read with Bernie on Leap Day, February 29th!

Read Across America

Our class was fortunate to have four guest readers on Tuesday, February 28th for Read Across America Week! 
Mrs. Stauffacher (Harrison’s mom) read The Cat in the Hat by Dr. Seuss.

Mr. Sotiros (West Allis School Board Member) read The Cat in the Hat Comes Back by Dr. Seuss.

Mrs. Levra (Hannah’s mom) read Mr. Brown Can Moo!  Can You?  by Dr. Seuss.

Mrs. Norton (retired reading teacher) read The 3 Little Dassies by Jan Brett, The Three Snow Bears by Jan Brett, and Ginger Jumps by Lisa Campbell Ernst.

Thank you for reading to our class!  We LOVED it!

Thursday, February 23, 2012

Bring Your Family to School Day!

 Allie, Allie’s Parents, Hunter, and Natalie enjoying SORRY!

Addison, Addison’s mom, Bryce, Andersen, and Tammy loving SORRY!

 Daniel, Daniel’s mom, Kaleb, Kaleb’s mom, Alec, and Tyler playing SORRY!

 Anya, Anya’s Parents, Jack, Jack’s Step-Mom, and Abby having fun with SORRY!

Harrison, Harrison’s Parents, Levi, Hannah, Hannah’s Dad, and Nathan smiling while playing SORRY!

Chloe, Chloe’s Dad, Nick, and Nick’s mom engaged in a thrilling game of SORRY!

Wednesday, February 22, 2012

Jefferson Bear Award

Our classroom won the Jefferson Bear Award TWICE for great behavior in Specialist Classes (Phy. Ed, Art, Music, SEL, & Library) 
Keep up the great work 1st & 2nd graders in Room 206!

Star Power Winners

Anya, Kaleb, and Tammy were our first Star Power Winners.  They won the award because they took our school-wide classroom lockdown drill very seriously.  Way to go! J

Wednesday's with Bernie

Finally getting a minute to upload all of the long overdue pictures of Wednesday's with Bernie, enjoy! :)

Tyler, Natalie, Addison, Bryce, Hannah, Kaleb, and Ahlon read with Bernie today (2/22/12)

Allie, Daniel, Nick, and Tammy read with Bernie on February 15, 2012

Chloe, Andersen, Bryce, and Harrison read with Bernie on February 1, 2012

Tyler, Daniel, Hunter, Natalie, Nick, and Bryce read with Bernie on January 4, 2012

Jack, Addison, Hannah, and Anya read with Bernie on January 25, 2012

Harrison, Allie, Addison, and Anya read with Bernie on December 21, 2011